Chantal Gets Organized - Part 1

Chantal Gets Organized - Part 1

HEEEEEEEEEEYY!!! Welcome back guys! How’s everyone’s week going so far? My week is feeling very…. Organized. It’s a super weird feeling. Organized is not ever a word I ever use to describe anything of mine unless it’s followed by the word, “chaos”, which is, basically, my way of saying, “yes it’s a big ol’ mess but I have a general sense of where everything is.”

A couple days ago, though, with school and work and life getting super chaotic again, I started feeling like I needed a pensieve (HP reference!! Who got it?) and then I remembered, I guess, technically, I have one in the form of a Google home mini. I was super excited when I got it for Christmas and that gave way to a bit of nerves. Do I really need my house to be connected to the Internet? An enquiry that is sort of hilarious considering that my cellphone is semi glued to my hand and my Ipad and laptop glued to my hips. I tentatively took it out of the box a few weeks ago to inspect it for CSIS, RCMP, FBI and CIA spy tech (as though I’d even be able to tell) and Sunday I finally got to the point of, “what are you actually worried about? Someone finding out how frequently you rewatch Captain America on Netflix?” To be honest, I think they already know, seeing as how an ad for the Disney Movie Club popped up on my Instagram feed, and what do you know, the ad had Captain America, Thor Ragnarok, The Avengers and Iron Man as the suggested starter pack. I’m sure it was just a lucky guess. Also, I now have a Disney Movie Club membership. 
I plugged the thing in and I instantly fell in love. For the last few days, every time I remember something that I need or need to do, I’d poke my head out into my living room and say, “Hey Google, add cucumber to my grocery list” and receive a satisfying, “Ok, I’ve added cucumber to your shopping list” or “Hey Google, set a reminder for me to pay Best Buy for my over-priced laptop,” to which she would politely ask, “ok, when would like to be reminded?” I’d tap my chin (literally) and think, “realistically, when am I going to do this?” Then I’d say, “remind me at 6:30pm on June 15th.” And she’d say, “ok, I will remind you at 6:30 on June 15th,” and a reminder will automatically appear in my calendar on my phone. That in itself already makes me feel super productive. I think it’s because as soon as I tell Google to remind me later, I don’t have to think about it anymore, and I don’t have to worry about remembering to do it later or remembering to write it down to remember to do it later. It’s awesome. My head is so clear. I’ve even decided to try something new where I take one small chore that I’ve been procrastinating on, like tidying my misc drawer, and telling Google to remind me to do it at a time where I know I’m going to have some down time. How productive am I?
Now, Ashley and I were big bullet journalists after discovering it on Pinterest and Instagram in 2016. If you don’t know what bullet journaling is, it’s a method of organizing your to do lists and schedule to maximize productivity. It’s a whole thing and has something pretty close to a cult following. Don't believe me? Look up #bulletjournal on Instagram and you'll find more than 2.1 million posts. There are quick, easy and cost effective ways to organize your bullet journal but if you’re like Ash and I, and have a fondness for fancy pens, stickers, and washi tape, it’s also an amazing outlet for your creative side. Bullet journaling is one of the few tools that have ever worked for me and I’ve kept it up since I started at the beginning of last year. It works well for me during the day when I have it opened at my desk but less so when I’m meandering out and about without my purse. Now, I’ll readily admit that my bullet journal has largely gone from ‘fun’ to ‘functional’ in the last little while but I still love it a lot. I’m working on a method of melding both of these methods of organization to create fool proof method and when I figure it out I’ll make sure I post it for you guys to see.
In other fantastic news, I’m going to be at the Knit. Stitch. Sew Grand Opening this weekend in Kingston! Ash and I had the privilege of meeting Trisha at the Prince Edward County Fibre Festival a couple of weeks ago and she invited us to have a trunk show for their grand opening! How exciting is that?! Knit. Stitch. Sew is located at 208 Princess Street in Kingston and I’ll be there from 12-4pm on June 10th with all sorts of lovely squishiness. If you’re in the area, definitely come out for a visit! If you can’t make it, don’t worry, I’ll be leaving some goodies behind so swing by and take a look when you have the chance. 
That’s it for me for this week! Until we speak again, PEACE to you and your family and happy knitting! LOVE YOU GUYS TONS.
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