End of Summer Round UP!

End of Summer Round UP!

Oh dear, where do I start?  So much has happened since the last time we spoke.  First off, I guess we can announce, SHOW SEASON IS OVER!!!  Ashley and I and all of our helpers had TONS OF FUN and now we're exhausted, lol.

Seriously though, we love show season. Meeting you guys in person is our favourite part of doing this job.  Plus, we love the grown up version of Tetris we get to play every time we have to pack the truck to come see you guys.  Ashley's husband, John, still holds the record score.

Thank you so much to everyone who came out to see us at the Almonte Fibre Festival, the Woodstock Fleece Festival and vendors night at the Ottawa Knitting Guild.  We really can't wait to see you all again next year!


(Woodstock prep day feast) 


We also wrapped on our RSBSYSUMMERKAL2016 which saw a whole bunch of really beautiful Wildflowers & Honeycomb socks by Olivia Villarreal.  Again, thanks so much for being an awesome sport and supporting our KAL.  The final winners were: MerriCurlLeslieannerodgers, and Tweetiepy for their amazing contributions.

Finally, @REDSOCKBLUESOCKYARNCO hit 1000 followers on Instagram and we're still growing!! How amazing is that?? Of course you know that meant we had to do a giveaway.  @CrystalBalz (AKA Crystal Balzer) won a complete set of our Alice in Wonderland club colours.  Thank you to everyone who participated and thank you to everyone for your continued support.

I guess that wraps up Summer 2016.  Ash and I are getting cozy with a full line up of Fall and Winter knitting.  I guess we should think about doing a KAL, huh?  Keep an eye out.  More details to follow ;o).

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