Frolicked 2019

Frolicked 2019

Welcome back everyone, it’s been a crazy busy week since we’ve been away and I feel as though I’ve been writing this blog post in my head for the entire time.  I guess first, and most importantly, FROLIC HAPPENED! It was so much fun!  Per usual it was an absolute blast seeing so many of my fave people in one place.  I think missing last year’s Woodstock show really made this one special.  It really highlighted how fast something you love can be taken away from you. 


I was also super nervous about how this one was going to go down.  Was I going to be really anxious in the crowd?  How was my head and eyes going to react to all of that stimulation? I definitely got the answer to those questions and while it wasn’t pretty I was THRILLED that I had negotiated the day with relative success. It’s a surreal sort of experience when you get really excited about accomplishing something that you were previously able to do without thinking about.


We had a couple of new things at the show!  Ashley made these little duet kits of two fifty gram skeins and they were a total hit!  I was absolutely eyeing up this teal/palm bay one.  These colours are totally my jam and this palm bay is only on the 50 gram skeins for right now.  I’m currently begging Ashley to put it on the Comfort Sock line for Prince Edward County but Ash totally knows that means I’m definitely going home with one.  These guys are perfect for Harlow hats because they really only need half a skein of each colour and these are paired so beautifully.  If you haven’t had a chance to join our HarlowKAL on the Facebook group you still have plenty of time!


My little notions pouches actually did pretty good as well.  I was so pleased when people stopped to giggle at them and show them to their friends.  Apparently “f*&k off, I’m knitting” and “I knit so I don’t kill people” are popular sentiments that all knitters share because all of those babies sold out.

After Frolic the girls came over to my place and we gorged ourselves on Chinese food, wine and cheesy rom coms of varying quality.  Donna, with the patience of a saint, showed me how to do the decreases on my Harlow hat and then had to reconstruct part of it after I dropped a stitch and failed to pick it up properly.  Picking up a stitch in stockinette or garter is no problem but in brioche there is way too much going on for me to figure that out.  My eyes crossed just trying to understand what I had done wrong.  

I did manage to finish the hat though and I have decided that while I love brioche, I’m going to put future projects on hold until my poor brain heals itself.  Instead I’m going to try my hand at colourwork.  That should be easier, right?  The thing about yarn shows is that you get to see everyone in their fabulous knit gear.  The seed for colourwork was actually planted by Heidi from @booksandcables in February because she is always knitting fabulous colourwork sweaters.  On Saturday I fell properly in love with the Soldotna crop by Caitlin Hunter aka @boylandknitworks.  It was Patricia’s of @pearadiseisland’s that made me decide that I really love the pattern and it was Ashley’s colour choices for hers that confirmed that I absolutely could not live life without this sweater.

I decided to go with a bold palette because I’m so tired of the gloom.  I need some brightness in my life and while I wait for mother nature to catch up I’m going to knit in the brightest colours I can find.


So what else has been keeping me busy since last week?  Well I went to a ‘How to Adopt’ seminar, I went to see Avengers Endgame, I said goodbye to my dad who has gone travelling for a while and I’ve started prepping for a friends baby shower that I’m helping her decorate for this weekend. To be honest, I can write whole blogposts on all of my feelings about all four of these things and I very likely will in the near future.  If you’re a Marvel superhero fan but haven’t seen Endgame as yet, definitely do.  It will make you feel all of the feels and that’s all I’m going to say about that for right now. 


That’s it for me for this week!  I’m going to start gauge swatching my new sweater RIGHT NOW so hopefully when you come back next week I will have some progress to show you.  I made an appointment with a personal trainer for this afternoon and now I’m heartily annoyed because there are so many other fun things to do.  I guess I’ll go but I’m absolutely going to complain about it for the entire time.  Until we speak again, PEACE to you and yours and as always, happy knitting!


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It was great to see you at the Frolic and I am looking forward to knitting my Zwieg with the beautiful cashmerino yarn!


I bought the Palm Bay / Teal combo (love it!) and just cast on this morning for a pair of Garden of Shadows fingerless mitts

Wendy Passalent

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