My Lost Knit Mojo

My Lost Knit Mojo

Hey guys, I know it’s been awhile so I’m definitely do for a blog post but I have a huge problem. I’ve lost my knit mojo.  I don’t know how it happened and I don’t know when it happened but it’s true.  I started the year with moderate knit goals – hats and mitts all year long.  It seemed like an achievable goal because I`ve been craving mindless knitting and the pleasure of a goal quickly achieved but even that has slipped away from me. 

Ashley has been very sympathetic, tempting me with beautiful patterns on Instagram and pictures of beautiful yarn that she`s at home dyeing. She even hand delivered, not one, but three beautiful skeins of yarn two weekends ago and I`ll admit I was tempted.  I thought I could feel my mojo returning.  I pick them up and give them a squish, cuddle them for a few minutes, think of the possibilities and then set them back down.  I think the problem is every time I feel like knitting I immediately feel like I ought to be doing something else or finishing a project that I`ve already started and by the time I finish the negotiating process I give up and go and find something else to do.

A few projects definitely did catch my eye though. Have you guys seen Joji Locatelli`s, The Easy One pullover? It looks amazing and promises right there in Ravelry no shaping and no crazy shortrows.  I’m thinking very seriously that this sweater will be the project I take on my long trek to India next month.  Also, regardless of my lost mojo, I just bought the Counterbalance Mitts pattern by Stephanie Lotven which is on sale until February 28th.  I am totally going to use the Sport that Ashley just brought me for this. 

Speaking of which, before I go I should definitely mention that RSBSY is currently having our own sale: all of our superwash sport and worsted is currently 20% off with the coupon code SWKAL2018. Definitely a good time to stock up, especially if you`re thinking of joining our Sweater Weather KAL (which you totally should!).   We`ve got a few great prizes up for grabs and the odds are definitely in your favour!  Jump into the Ravelry group and check it out.








That`s it for me this week. Come back next week!  We`ll be right at the halfway point of the KAL and I`m hoping I`ll have sleeves for Paige’s little sweater (pictured above!).  Until then, PEACE to you and your fam and happy knitting!

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